Shifra Yehoshua is the founder of “ME-ANI” Life Coach which is dedicated to cultivation and development of each individual’s potential for living a life full of joy, fulfillment and success.
Shifra Yehoshua was born in 1968, in Israel. After her military service, at age 20, she arrived in New York, got married and raised a family.
In addition to ten years of weekly workshops for thousands of women from all Jewish sectors, Shifi Yehoshua was one of the community leaders who facilitated the huge events of “The Great Neck Shabbat Project’s” workshops of over 1000 women yearly.
Shifi motivates and sways her audience with her enthusiasm and genuine passion for action, for positive thinking and for growth in the subjects of body, mind and personal development. Her exposure to the connection between ancient Jewish wisdom and the new world of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Life coaching opened a door for a very rich “treasure” of knowledge that she feels obliged to share.
Her training involved exposure to scientific studies of NeuroPlasticity (nuero=brain, plasticity= flexibility) that proves our ability to pave new pathways in the brain through simple exercises that each of us can do.
Shifi was chosen as a “guest of honor” for her contribution and volunteering in the world of education at:
Yeshiva Har Torah, Queens, NY, 2007
The city of New York reward, 2007
Yeshiva University HS for girls, Queens, NY, 2016
Bnos Malka, Queens, NY, 2022
You will be amazed at just how much is possible for you with the right guidance and support. Take this critical step towards success and limitless potential!
Shifi @ ME-ANI Life Coach is here to help you build a life you’re excited to live. You will be amazed at how quickly you get unstuck and start changing your life.
You’ll discover your true potential and begin to notice amazing results.
Every individual is unique. Shifi tailors coaching plans to meet the specific needs and aspirations of each client.
"Me Ani" emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, promoting holistic well-being.
Trust is the foundation of the coaching relationship. Shifi ensures a confidential and non-judgmental space for clients to share and grow.